Dahlia pinnata CAV.

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 017 Susceptibility to fungal diseases (017 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO FUNGAL D)
  2. 018 Susceptibility to virus diseases (018 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO VIRUS DI)
  1. 001 Plant - height (001 PLANT - HEIGHT )
  2. 002 Plant - width (002 PLANT - WIDTH )
  3. 003 Plant - firmness (003 PLANT - FIRMNESS )
  4. 004 Peduncle - firmness (004 PEDUNCLE - FIRMNESS )
  5. 005 Peduncle - length (005 PEDUNCLE - LENGTH )
  6. 006 Head - size (diameter) (006 HEAD - SIZE (DIAMETER) )
  7. 007 Head - number per plant (007 HEAD - NUMBER PER PLANT )
  8. 008 Head - position on stem (008 HEAD - POSITION ON STEM )
  9. 009 Head - basic colour (009 HEAD - BASIC COLOUR )
  10. 010 Head - intensity of basic colour (010 HEAD - INTENSITY OF BASIC )
  11. 011 Head - supplemental colour (011 HEAD - SUPPLEMENTAL COLOUR)
  12. 012 Head - intensity of supplemental colour (012 HEAD - INTENSITY OF SUPPLE)
  13. 013 Head - position of flowers to leaves (013 HEAD - POSITION OF FLOWERS)
  14. 014 Head - receptacle brittleness ("loosed target") (014 HEAD - RECEPTACLE BRITTLEN)
  15. 015 Head - flower type (group) (015 HEAD - FLOWER TYPE (GROUP))
  1. 016 Earliness of flowering (016 EARLINESS OF FLOWERING )