Amberboa L.

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 028 Disease occurrence - susceptibility (028 DISEASE OCCURRENCE - SUSCE)
  1. 001 Plant - habit (001 PLANT - HABIT )
  2. 002 Plant - height (cm) (002 PLANT - HEIGHT (CM) )
  3. 006 Flower - size (diameter) (006 FLOWER - SIZE (DIAMETER) )
  4. 009 Flower - inflorescence (009 FLOWER - INFLORESCENCE )
  5. 010 Inflorescence - type simple racemose (010 INFLORESCENCE - TYPE SIMPL)
  6. 014 Inflorescence - width (014 INFLORESCENCE - WIDTH )
  7. 015 Flower - basic colour, white tones (015 FLOWER - BASIC COLOUR, WHI)
  8. 016 Flower - basic colour, yellow tones (016 FLOWER - BASIC COLOUR, YEL)
  9. 023 Flower - deepness of colour (023 FLOWER - DEEPNESS OF COLOU)
Category: OTHER
  1. 029 Utilization type (029 UTILIZATION TYPE ) the most important utilization only
  1. 027 Flowering - time (027 FLOWERING - TIME ) biennials flowering in winter for score 0 or 9