Hemerocallis L.

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 074 Resistance to leaf streak and rust (074 SENSITIVITY TO LEAF STREAK) 074 Resistance to leaf streak and rust
  2. 075 Resistance to crown rot (075 SENSITIVITY TO CROWN ROT) 075 Resistance to crown rot
  3. 076 Reserve (076 RESERVE) 076 Reserve
  4. 077 Resistance to thrips (Frankliniella hemerocallis) (077 SENSITIVITY TO THRIPS) 077 Resistance to thrips (Frankliniella hemerocallis)
  5. 078 Resistance to Hemerocallis gall midge (Contarinia quinquenotata) (078 SENSITIVITY TO HEMEROCALLI) 078 Resistance to Hemerocallis gall midge (Contarinia quinquenotata)
  6. 079 Reserve (079 RESERVE) 079 Reserve
  1. 001 Roots (001 ROOTS) 001 Roots
  2. 003 Stem - height (003 STEM - HEIGHT) 003 Stem - height
  3. 004 Stem - quantity in a clump (004 STEM - QUANTITY IN A CLUMP) 004 Stem - quantity in a clump
  4. 005 Stem - number of branches (005 STEM - NUMBER OF BRANCHES) 005 Stem - number of branches
  5. 006 Stem - proliferation (006 STEM - PROLIFERATION) 006 Stem - proliferation
  6. 007 Stem - presence of anthocyanins (007 STEM - PRESENCE OF ANTHOCY) 007 Stem - presence of anthocyanins
  7. 009 Leave - lenght (009 LEAVE - LENGHT) 009 Leave - lenght
  8. 010 Leave - width (010 LEAVE - WIDTH) 010 Leave - width
  9. 011 Leave - height of foliage (clump) (011 LEAVE - HEIGHT OF FOLIAGE ) 011 Leave - height of foliage (clump)
  10. 012 Leave - variegated (012 LEAVE - VARIEGATED) 012 Leave - variegated
  11. 013 Leave - shade of green (013 LEAVE - SHADE OF GREEN) 013 Leave - shade of green
  12. 015 Bract - shape (015 BRACT - SHAPE) a bract at first bottom branch on a stem
  13. 016 Bract - lenght (016 BRACT - LENGHT) a bract at first bottom branch on a stem
  14. 017 Bract - presence of anthocyanins (017 BRACT - PRESENCE OF ANTHOC) a bract at first bottom branch on a stem
  15. 018 Flower Buds - shape (length and width ratio) (018 FLOWER BUDS - SHAPE) 018 Flower Buds - shape (length and width ratio)
  16. 019 Flower Buds - lenght (019 FLOWER BUDS - LENGHT) 019 Flower Buds - lenght
  17. 020 Flower Buds - presence of anthocyanins (020 FLOWER BUDS - PRESENCE OF ) 020 Flower Buds - presence of anthocyanins
  18. 021 Flower Buds - quantity on a stem (021 FLOWER BUDS - QUANTITY ON ) 021 Flower Buds - quantity on a stem
  19. 023 Flower - shape - side view (023 FLOWER - SHAPE - SIDE VIE) 023 Flower - shape - side view
  20. 024 Flower - shape - front view (024 FLOWER - SHAPE - FRONT VIE) 024 Flower - shape - front view
  21. 025 Flower -shape - unusual form (025 FLOWER - UNUSUAL FORM) 025 Flower -shape - unusual form
  22. 026 Flower - diamether (026 FLOWER - DIAMETHER) 026 Flower - diamether
  23. 027 Petals - width (027 PETALS - WIDTH) 027 Petals - width
  24. 028 Petals - lenght (028 PETALS - LENGHT) 028 Petals - lenght
  25. 029 Petals - edge (029 PETALS - EDGE) 029 Petals - edge
  26. 030 Petals - unusual structures on surface (030 PETALS - UNUSUAL STRUCTURE) 030 Petals - unusual structures on surface
  27. 031 Petals - basic color (031 PETALS - BASIC COLOR) 031 Petals - basic color
  28. 032 Petals - blend of more colors (032 PETALS - BLEND OF MORE COL) 032 Petals - blend of more colors
  29. 033 White petals (033 WHITE PETALS ) shade of basic color
  30. 034 Yellow petals (034 YELLOW PETALS ) shade of basic color
  31. 035 Orange petals (035 ORANGE PETALS ) shade of basic color
  32. 036 Red petals (036 RED PETALS ) shade of basic color
  33. 037 Pink petals (037 PINK PETALS ) shade of basic color
  34. 038 Violet petals (038 VIOLET PETALS ) shade of basic color
  35. 039 Petals - color intensity (039 PETALS - COLOR INTENSITY) 039 Petals - color intensity
  36. 040 Petals - color characteristics - veins (040 PETALS - VEINS ) 040 Petals - color characteristics - veins
  37. 041 Petals - color characteristics - flower throat (041 PETALS - FLOWER THOAT ) 041 Petals - color characteristics - flower throat
  38. 042 Petals - color characteristics - midrib (042 PETALS - MIDRIB ) 042 Petals - color characteristics - midrib
  39. 043 Petals - color characteristics - different edge color (043 PETALS - DIFFERENT EDGE CO) 043 Petals - color characteristics - different edge color
  40. 044 Petals - color patterns (044 PETALS - COLOR PATTERNS ) 044 Petals - color patterns
  41. 045 Petals - eye color (045 EYE COLOR ) 045 Petals - eye color
  42. 046 Petals - band color (046 BAND COLOR ) 046 Petals - band color
  43. 047 Petals - halo color (047 HALO COLOR ) 047 Petals - halo color
  44. 048 Petals - watermark color (048 WATERMARK COLOR ) 048 Petals - watermark color
  45. 049 Petals - stripes / spots color (049 STRIPES / SPOTS COLOR ) 049 Petals - stripes / spots color
  46. 050 Petals - additional color patterns (050 PETALS - ADDITIONAL COLOR ) 050 Petals - additional color patterns
  47. 052 Sepals - width (052 SEPALS - WIDTH ) 052 Sepals - width
  48. 053 Sepals - length (053 SEPALS - LENGTH) 053 Sepals - length
  49. 054 Sepals - edge (054 SEPALS - EDGE ) 054 Sepals - edge
  50. 055 Sepals - diffrerent edge color (055 SEPALS - DIFFRERENT EDGE C) 055 Sepals - diffrerent edge color
  51. 056 Sepals - basic color (056 SEPALS - BASIC COLOR ) 056 Sepals - basic color
  52. 057 White sepals (057 WHITE SEPALS - SHADE OF BA) shade of basic color
  53. 058 Yellow sepals (058 YELLOW SEPALS - SHADE OF B) shade of basic color
  54. 059 Orange sepals (059 ORANGE SEPALS - SHADE OF B) shade of basic color
  55. 060 Red sepals (060 RED SEPALS - SHADE OF BASI) shade of basic color
  56. 061 Pink sepals (061 PINK SEPALS - SHADE OF BAS) shade of basic color
  57. 062 Violet sepals (062 VIOLET SEPALS - SHADE OF B) shade of basic color
  58. 063 Sepals - blend of more colors (063 SEPALS - BLEND OF MORE COL) 063 Sepals - blend of more colors
  59. 064 Sepals - color intensity (064 SEPALS - COLOR INTENSITY) 064 Sepals - color intensity
Category: OTHER
  1. 073 Ploidy (073 PLOIDY) 073 Ploidy
  2. 080 Garden Use (080 GARDEN USE) 080 Garden Use
  1. 066 Plant Dormancy (066 PLANT DORMANCY) 066 Plant Dormancy
  2. 067 Flowering season (067 FLOWERING SEASON ) 067 Flowering season
  3. 068 Flower Behaviour (068 FLOWER BEHAVIOUR) 068 Flower Behaviour
  4. 069 Reblooming (069 REBLOOMING) 069 Reblooming
  5. 071 Sprouting (071 SPROUTING) 071 Sprouting