Sanvitalia LAM.

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 023 Disease occurrence - susceptibility to diseases (023 DISEASE OCCURRENCE - SUSCE)
  1. 001 Plant - habit (growth type) (001 PLANT - HABIT (GROWTH TYPE)
  2. 004 Leaf - type (004 LEAF - TYPE )
  3. 005 Leaf - arrangement (005 LEAF - ARRANGEMENT )
  4. 006 Leaf - colour (006 LEAF - COLOUR )
  5. 007 Flower - arrangement (007 FLOWER - ARRANGEMENT )
  6. 011 Inflorescence - width (diameter)(cm) (011 INFLORESCENCE - WIDTH (DIA)
  7. 012 Inflorescence - type 1: simple racemose (012 INFLORESCENCE - TYPE 1: SI)
  8. 019 Inflorescence = capitulum: ray flowers primary colour (019 INFLORESCENCE = CAPITULUM:)
  9. 021 Inflorescence = capitulum: tubular flowers colour (disc) (021 INFLORESCENCE = CAPITULUM:)
Category: OTHER
  1. 024 Use (024 USE ) The most important utilization only
  1. 022 Flowering time (finishes with the first frost) (022 FLOWERING TIME (FINISHES W)