Deschampsia caespito

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 032 Lodging - resistance (032 LODGING - RESISTANCE ) Before the first conservation cut.
  2. 038 Winter hardiness (038 WINTER HARDINESS ) Field resistance.
  3. 040 Drought - resistance (040 DROUGHT - RESISTANCE )
  4. 041 Resistance - Silver top parasital (041 RESISTANCE - SILVER TOP PA)
  5. 043 Resistance - Snow mold (Microdochium nivale (FR.) Samuel Hallet) (043 RESISTANCE - SNOW MOLD (MI)
  6. 044 Resistance - Grey snow mold (Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr. Diese) (044 RESISTANCE - GREY SNOW MOL)
  7. 046 Resistance - Rust (Puccinia sp., Uromyces sp.) (046 RESISTANCE - RUST (PUCCINI)
  8. 047 Resistance - Leaf spot (Drechslera sp., Mastigosporium sp., Heterosporium sp.) (047 RESISTANCE - LEAF SPOT (DR)
  9. 048 Resistance - Red thread (Laetisaria fuciformis (Mc Alp.) Burdsall) (048 RESISTANCE - RED THREAD (L)
  10. 080 Sward - resistance to weed ingression (080 SWARD - RESISTANCE TO WEED) Ground cover of weedy grasses and weed. Spring - summer - autumn, 2 days before cut.
  11. 081 Sward - wear resistance (081 SWARD - WEAR RESISTANCE ) Living ground cover of sown species after wear treatment in the 2nd year after sowing. Spring - summer - autumn.
  12. 093 Sward - resistance to weed ingression (093 SWARD - RESISTANCE TO WEED) Ground cover of weedy grasses and weed. Summer - autumn, 2 days before cut.
Category: CHEMICAL
  1. 066 Organic matter digestibility (066 ORGANIC MATTER DIGESTIBILI) At the first cut.
  2. 067 Content of crude protein in dry matter (067 CONTENT OF CRUDE PROTEIN I) At the first cut.
  1. 001 Plant - vegetative growth habit (001 PLANT - VEGETATIVE GROWTH ) In the autumn of the sowing year. fig.1
  2. 002 Plant - reproductive growth habit (002 PLANT - REPRODUCTIVE GROWT) At heading in the 1st year after sowing. fig.1
  3. 003 Rhizomes - presence (003 RHIZOMES - PRESENCE ) In the autumn.
  4. 007 Stem - length (007 STEM - LENGTH ) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.Length including inflorescence.
  5. 008 Stem - diameter (008 STEM - DIAMETER ) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  6. 009 Stem - number of leaves (009 STEM - NUMBER OF LEAVES ) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  7. 010 Leaf - width of non reproductive leaves (010 LEAF - WIDTH OF NON REPROD) In th autumn of the sowing year.
  8. 011 Leaf - width of flag leaf (011 LEAF - WIDTH OF FLAG LEAF ) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  9. 012 Leaf - length of flag leaf (012 LEAF - LENGTH OF FLAG LEAF) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  10. 013 Leaf - width of the second leaf (from the top) (013 LEAF - WIDTH OF THE SECOND) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  11. 014 Leaf - length of the second leaf (from the top) (014 LEAF - LENGTH OF THE SECON) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  12. 015 Leaf - primary colour (015 LEAF - PRIMARY COLOUR ) Genetic colour, when grass is not under stress. At beginning of flowering at forage and ornamental grasses. At turf grasses spring - summer - autumn.
  13. 016 Leaf - tone of other colour (016 LEAF - TONE OF OTHER COLOU) See descriptor no. 16.
  14. 017 Leaf - colour intensity (017 LEAF - COLOUR INTENSITY ) See descriptor no. 16.
  15. 018 Leaf - pattern (018 LEAF - PATTERN ) At beginning of flowering at ornamental grasses.
  16. 019 Leaf - change in colour in the autumn (019 LEAF - CHANGE IN COLOUR IN) At ornamental grasses.
  17. 020 Inflorescence - length (020 INFLORESCENCE - LENGTH ) At beginning of flowering in the 1st year after sowing.
  18. 023 Inflorescence - colour (023 INFLORESCENCE - COLOUR ) At beginning of flowering.
  19. 024 Inflorescence - colour intensity (024 INFLORESCENCE - COLOUR INT)
  20. 028 Spring growth rate (028 SPRING GROWTH RATE ) Evaluated when the earliest variety has reached 20 cm of sward height. fig.2
  21. 030 Uniformy of time of inflorescence emergence (030 UNIFORMY OF TIME OF INFLOR)
  22. 071 Sward - initial ground cover (071 SWARD - INITIAL GROUND COV) 2 weeks after seedling emergence.
  23. 072 Sward - field establishment (072 SWARD - FIELD ESTABLISHMEN) Evaluated when 75% ground cover has been reached.
  24. 073 Sward - winter greenness (073 SWARD - WINTER GREENNESS ) Colour retention in winter.
  25. 074 Sward - spring greenup rate (074 SWARD - SPRING GREENUP RAT) Number of days from green-up of the earliest variety.
  26. 075 Sward - ground cover (075 SWARD - GROUND COVER ) Living ground cover of sown turf species. Spring - summer - autumn, 2 days after cut.
  27. 076 Sward - density (076 SWARD - DENSITY ) Based on number of tillers in closed sward, excluding damaged patches. Spring - summer - autumn, 2 days after cut. fig.5
  28. 077 Sward - leaf texture (077 SWARD - LEAF TEXTURE ) Visual evaluation of leaf width. Spring - summer - autumn, before cut.
  29. 084 Sward - spring greenup rate (084 SWARD - SPRING GREENUP RAT) Number of days from green-up of the earliest variety.
  30. 085 Sward - ground cover (085 SWARD - GROUND COVER ) Living ground cover by sown turf species. Spring - summer - autumn, 2 days after cut.
  31. 091 Sward - density (091 SWARD - DENSITY ) Based on number of tillers in closed sward, excluding damaged patches. Summer - autumn, after cut. fig.5
  32. 092 Sward - colour intensity (092 SWARD - COLOUR INTENSITY ) Summer (before flowering) - autumn.
Category: OTHER
  1. 078 Sward - applicability for intensive lawns (based on regrowth after cutting) (078 SWARD - APPLICABILITY FOR ) Difference (sward height before cut - mowing height of previous cut). At all cuts in the 2nd year after sowing. fig.6
  2. 086 Sward - applicability for extensive lawns based on vertical growth (086 SWARD - APPLICABILITY FOR ) Height of sward including flowering stems before the first cut. fig.7
  3. 087 Sward - applicability for extensive lawns based on height of level of vegetative leaves (087 SWARD - APPLICABILITY FOR ) Before the first cut. fig.7
  4. 088 Sward - applicability for extensive lawns based on abundance of inflorescences (088 SWARD - APPLICABILITY FOR ) Before the first cut.
  5. 089 Sward - applicability for extensive lawns based on biomass production (089 SWARD - APPLICABILITY FOR ) Estimate of above-ground biomass production before the first cut.
  6. 090 Sward - applicability for extensive lawns based on autumn regrowth (090 SWARD - APPLICABILITY FOR ) Height of sward excluding sporadic heads. In the autumn before the second cut. fig.8
  7. 096 Plant - aesthetic value (096 PLANT - AESTHETIC VALUE )
  8. 097 Plant - ornamental effect (097 PLANT - ORNAMENTAL EFFECT )
  9. 098 Plant - season of main interest (098 PLANT - SEASON OF MAIN INT)
  10. 099 Inflorescence - applicability for drying (099 INFLORESCENCE - APPLICABIL)
  1. 027 Heading tendency in the sowing year (027 HEADING TENDENCY IN THE SO)
  2. 029 Time of inflorescence emergence (029 TIME OF INFLORESCENCE EMER) Number of days from the 1st April. When beginning has been reached at 10% stems in the plot. At single plants - when the tip of 3 inflorescences is just visible. fig.3
  3. 031 Abundance of inflorescence emergence (031 ABUNDANCE OF INFLORESCENCE) Estimate of number of flowering stems.m-2 at heading.
  4. 033 Regrowth after cutting - at conservation management (033 REGROWTH AFTER CUTTING - A) Based on regrowth bulk 2 weeks after cut.
  5. 035 Aftermath heading (035 AFTERMATH HEADING )
  6. 070 Sward - seedling emergence (070 SWARD - SEEDLING EMERGENCE) Number of days after sowing till seedling emergence. fig.4
  1. 058 Plant - total DM yield/year (058 PLANT - TOTAL DM YIELD/YEA) At single plants.
  2. 062 Sward - seed maturity (062 SWARD - SEED MATURITY ) Number of days from the 1st April.
  3. 065 Sward - 1000 seeds weight (TSW) (065 SWARD - 1000 SEEDS WEIGHT ) TSW - caryopsis according to the descriptor no. 25
  4. 079 Sward - cleanness of cut (079 SWARD - CLEANNESS OF CUT ) Appearance of vascular bundle fibres at cut ends of leaves. Spring - summer - autumn, 2 days after cut.
  5. 082 Sward - visual quality rating (082 SWARD - VISUAL QUALITY RAT) All aspects of turf quality integrated. Spring - summer - autumn.
  6. 083 Sward - persistence (083 SWARD - PERSISTENCE ) Living ground cover of sown species in the 3rd year after sowing.
  7. 094 Sward - visual quality rating (094 SWARD - VISUAL QUALITY RAT) All aspects important for extensive turf integrated. Spring - summer - autumn.
  8. 095 Sward - persistence (095 SWARD - PERSISTENCE ) Living ground cover of sown species in the 3rd year after sowing.