Allium sativum L.

  1. 001 Plant - habit (001 PLANT - HABIT ) Shallot (photo 1-4)
  2. 002 Plant - height (002 PLANT - HEIGHT ) Shallot
  3. 003 Leaf - colour (003 LEAF - COLOUR ) Garlic, onion,chive, shallot - Recorded on fully development plants, at flowering stage
  4. 005 Leaf - width/diameter (005 LEAF - WIDTH/DIAMETER ) Onion, leek, shallot - record the maximum width of the longest leaf of 5 - 10 fully developed plants
  5. 006 Leaf - foliage density (006 LEAF - FOLIAGE DENSITY ) Leek - fig. 1
  6. 007 Leaf - attitude (garlic spring) (007 LEAF - ATTITUDE (GARLIC SP) Garlic - Recorded in the spring
  7. 008 Leaf - attitude (008 LEAF - ATTITUDE ) Onion, garlic,chive, shallot.
  8. 009 Leaf - crackling (009 LEAF - CRACKLING ) Leek
  9. 010 Leaf - cross-section (010 LEAF - CROSS-SECTION ) Onion, garlic, chive
  10. 013 Shaft - length (garlic) (013 SHAFT - LENGTH (GARLIC) ) Garlic - Measured on mature plants in the ground, from soil level to the inner lamina notch
  11. 014 Shaft - diameter (leek) (014 SHAFT - DIAMETER (LEEK) ) Leek - Measured on mature harvested plants at the median point after removal of dead and dying leves.
  12. 016 Bulb - shape of mature garlic bulb (016 BULB - SHAPE OF MATURE GAR) Garlic - Recorded on longitudinal section. Fig. 3
  13. 017 Bulb - population uniformity of bulb shape (017 BULB - POPULATION UNIFORMI) Onion, shallot - Recordedon harvested bulbs with dry skin.
  14. 019 Bulb - outer skin colour of compound bulb (019 BULB - OUTER SKIN COLOUR O) Garlic
  15. 020 Bulb - skin colour of the clove (020 BULB - SKIN COLOUR OF THE ) Garlic
  16. 021 Bulb - skin thickness (021 BULB - SKIN THICKNESS ) Onion - Recorded on harvested bulbs with dry skin.
  17. 023 Bulb - hearting (023 BULB - HEARTING ) Onion
  18. 025 Bulb - structure type (025 BULB - STRUCTURE TYPE ) Garlic - Fig. 4
  19. 026 Bulb - shape of the compound bulb in horizontal section (026 BULB - SHAPE OF THE COMPOU)
  20. 031 Inflorescence - ability to flower (031 INFLORESCENCE - ABILITY TO) Garlic, onion, chives, shallot
  21. 032 Inflorescence - ability to produce scape (032 INFLORESCENCE - ABILITY TO) Garlic
  22. 033 Inflorescence - number of bulbils (topset) (033 INFLORESCENCE - NUMBER OF ) Garlic - Average number of 5 - 10 inflorescens fromdifferent plants.
  23. 034 Inflorescence - 100 bulbil weight (034 INFLORESCENCE - 100 BULBIL) Garlic
  24. 035 Inflorescence - scape widening (035 INFLORESCENCE - SCAPE WIDE) Shallot
  25. 037 Inflorescence - flower number in umbel (037 INFLORESCENCE - FLOWER NUM) Garlic, onion, shallot - Recorded in at least five fully bllomed primary umbels.
  1. 036 Inflorescence - general fertility (036 INFLORESCENCE - GENERAL FE) Garlic, onion, shallot
  1. 024 Bulb - number of cloves per compound bulb (024 BULB - NUMBER OF CLOVES PE) Garlic - Observed on tree bulbs.
  2. 027 Bulb - weight of cloves (027 BULB - WEIGHT OF CLOVES ) Garlic - Average weight of 10 cloves (of 5 - 10 plants, outer whorl only).