Daucus carota L.

  1. 001 Leaf growth habit (attitude) (001 LEAF GROWTH HABIT (ATTITUD) see Fig. 1; IPGRI 7.1.12.
  2. 002 Leaf type (002 LEAF TYPE) see Fig. 2; IPGRI 7.1.14.
  3. 003 Leaf colour (003 LEAF COLOUR) IPGRI 7.1.16.
  4. 004 Bolting tendency (004 BOLTING TENDENCY) IPGRI 7.2.1.
  5. 005 Root position in soil (005 ROOT POSITION IN SOIL) (at maturity); see Fig. 3; IPGRI 7.4.2.
  6. 006 Root surface (006 ROOT SURFACE) see Fig. 4; IPGRI 7.4.11.
  7. 007 Root branching (007 ROOT BRANCHING) see Fig. 5; IPGRI 7.4.12.
  8. 008 Root shape (008 ROOT SHAPE) see Fig. 6; IPGRI 7.4.14.
  9. 009 Root shoulder shape (009 ROOT SHOULDER SHAPE) see Fig. 7; IPGRI 7.4.16.
  10. 010 Colour of skin on shoulder (010 COLOUR OF SKIN ON SHOULDER) see Fig. 8; IPGRI 7.4.17.
  11. 011 Root tip/end shape (011 ROOT TIP/END SHAPE) see Fig. 9; IPGRI 7.4.21.
  12. 012 Root skin pigmentation colour (012 ROOT SKIN PIGMENTATION COL) see Fig. 10; IPGRI 7.4.22.
  13. 013 Outer core pigmentation/colour (013 OUTER CORE PIGMENTATION/CO) (Observation at maximum diameter); see Fig. 11; IPGRI 7.5.5.
  14. 014 Inner core pigmentation/colour (014 INNER CORE PIGMENTATION/CO) (Observation at maximum diameter); see Fig. 12; IPGRI 7.5.7.
  15. 015 Accession longevity (lifespan) (015 ACCESSION LONGEVITY (LIFES) IPGRI 7.7.1.