Vicia faba L.

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 012 Lodging - resistance (012 LODGING - RESISTANCE ) physiolog. maturity
  1. 001 Stem - growth type (001 STEM - GROWTH TYPE ) stem with terminal inflorescence
  2. 002 Stem - length (002 STEM - LENGTH ) flowering
  3. 003 Stem - height of 1-st productive node (003 STEM - HEIGHT OF 1-ST PROD) flowering
  4. 004 Flower - standard colour (004 FLOWER - STANDARD COLOUR ) flowering
  5. 005 Flower - wings colour (005 FLOWER - WINGS COLOUR ) flowering
  6. 006 Pod - length (006 POD - LENGTH ) full maturity
  7. 007 Pod - seeds number per legume (007 POD - SEEDS NUMBER PER LEG) full maturity
  8. 008 Seed - shape (008 SEED - SHAPE ) full maturity
  9. 009 Seed - primary colour (009 SEED - PRIMARY COLOUR ) full maturity
  10. 010 Seed - pattern, secondary testa colour distribution (010 SEED - PATTERN, SECONDARY ) full maturity
  1. 011 Seed - 1000-seed weight (011 SEED - 1000-SEED WEIGHT ) full maturity