Carthamus L.

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 033 Presence of Aphids sp. (033 PRESENCE OF APHIDS SP. )
  2. 034 Presence of Lygus bug (Lygus sp.) (034 PRESENCE OF LYGUS BUG (LYG)
  3. 035 Presence of Saflower fly (Acanthophilus sp.) (035 PRESENCE OF SAFLOWER FLY ()
  4. 036 Presence of Thrips (036 PRESENCE OF THRIPS )
  5. 038 Presence of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium sp.) (038 PRESENCE OF FUSARIUM WILT )
Category: CHEMICAL
  1. 049 Oil content (049 OIL CONTENT ) Full maturity
  2. 053 Oleic acid content (053 OLEIC ACID CONTENT )
  3. 054 Linoleic acid content (054 LINOLEIC ACID CONTENT )
  1. 001 Plant - habit (001 PLANT - HABIT )
  2. 002 Plant - height (002 PLANT - HEIGHT ) Full ripening
  3. 003 Plant - location of branches on main (003 PLANT - LOCATION OF BRANCH)
  4. 004 Leaf - shape (004 LEAF - SHAPE ) Fig.1
  5. 005 Leaf - margin (005 LEAF - MARGIN ) Fig.2
  6. 006 Leaf - margin spininess (006 LEAF - MARGIN SPININESS )
  7. 007 Leaf - pubescence (007 LEAF - PUBESCENCE )
  8. 008 Leaf - colour (008 LEAF - COLOUR )
  9. 009 Head - shape (009 HEAD - SHAPE ) Fig.3
  10. 010 Head - size (diameter) (010 HEAD - SIZE (DIAMETER) ) Measured at base at maturity
  11. 011 Head - number per plant (011 HEAD - NUMBER PER PLANT )
  12. 012 Head - shape of outer involucral bracts (012 HEAD - SHAPE OF OUTER INVO)
  13. 013 Head - spininess of outer involucral bracts (013 HEAD - SPININESS OF OUTER )
  14. 014 Head - length of spines on outer involucral bracts (014 HEAD - LENGTH OF SPINES ON)
  15. 015 Flower - corolla colour in bloom (015 FLOWER - COROLLA COLOUR IN)
  16. 016 Flower - corolla colour of dry flower (016 FLOWER - COROLLA COLOUR OF)
  17. 018 Flower - design of petals (018 FLOWER - DESIGN OF PETALS )
  18. 019 Fruit - seed shape (019 FRUIT - SEED SHAPE ) Fig.4
  19. 020 Fruit - seed size (020 FRUIT - SEED SIZE )
  20. 021 Fruit - seed colour (021 FRUIT - SEED COLOUR )
  21. 022 Fruit - number of seeds in head (022 FRUIT - NUMBER OF SEEDS IN) Average of 6 plants
  22. 023 Fruit - pappus (023 FRUIT - PAPPUS )
  23. 024 Fruit - seed hull thickness (024 FRUIT - SEED HULL THICKNES)
  24. 027 Stand - density (027 STAND - DENSITY ) Mean number of emerged plants per 1m2
  1. 025 Vegetation period: sowing - 50% emerged plants (025 VEGETATION PERIOD: SOWING ) Number of days from sowing to 50% emerged plants
  2. 028 Vegetation period: emergence (75%) - rosette formation (028 VEGETATION PERIOD: EMERGEN)
  3. 029 Vegetation period: emergence (75%) - beginning of stem elongation (029 VEGETATION PERIOD: EMERGEN)
  4. 030 Vegetation period: emergence (75%) - beginning of flowering (030 VEGETATION PERIOD: EMERGEN) 10% blooming plants
  5. 031 Vegetation period: emergence (75%) - full flowering (031 VEGETATION PERIOD: EMERGEN) 50% blooming plants
  6. 032 Vegetation period: emergence (75%) - physiological maturity of seed (032 VEGETATION PERIOD: EMERGEN)
  1. 048 Seed dormancy (048 SEED DORMANCY ) Full maturity
  1. 044 Yield - seed weight per primary head (044 YIELD - SEED WEIGHT PER PR) Full maturity
  2. 045 Yield - seed weight per 1 m2 (045 YIELD - SEED WEIGHT PER 1 ) Full maturity
  3. 046 Yield - seed weight per one plant (046 YIELD - SEED WEIGHT PER ON) Full maturity
  4. 047 Seed - 1000 seed weight (TSW) (047 SEED - 1000 SEED WEIGHT (T) Full maturity