Triticum L. (winter)

Category: BIOLOGY
  1. 048 Winter hardiness (field - survive) (048 WINTER HARDINESS (FIELD - )
  2. 049 Frost - resistance (tests-survive) (049 FROST - RESISTANCE (TESTS-)
  3. 050 Lodging - resistance (050 LODGING - RESISTANCE )
  4. 051 Drought - resistance (051 DROUGHT - RESISTANCE )
  5. 053 Ear sprouting - resistance (053 EAR SPROUTING - RESISTANCE)
  6. 054 Grain shattering - resistence (at overripening) (054 GRAIN SHATTERING - RESISTE)
  7. 058 Powdery mildew - plant - resistance (058 POWDERY MILDEW - PLANT - R)
  8. 059 Powdery mildew - spike - resistance (059 POWDERY MILDEW - SPIKE - R)
  9. 060 Stripe rust - resistance (060 STRIPE RUST - RESISTANCE )
  10. 061 Brown rust - resistance (061 BROWN RUST - RESISTANCE )
  11. 062 Stem rust - resistance (062 STEM RUST - RESISTANCE )
  12. 063 Septoria disease - resistance (063 SEPTORIA DISEASE - RESISTA)
  13. 065 Ophiobolus foot rot - resistance (065 OPHIOBOLUS FOOT ROT - RESI)
  14. 066 Diseases of foot rot (complex) - resistance (066 DISEASES OF FOOT ROT (COMP)
  15. 068 Loose smut - resistance (068 LOOSE SMUT - RESISTANCE )
  16. 069 Head smut - resistance (069 HEAD SMUT - RESISTANCE )
Category: CHEMICAL
  1. 092 Grain - starch content (Evers method) (092 GRAIN - STARCH CONTENT (EV) NIRS
  2. 095 Grain - crude protein content (095 GRAIN - CRUDE PROTEIN CONT)
  3. 096 Protein - lysine content (096 PROTEIN - LYSINE CONTENT )
  4. 102 Groats - sedimentation (SDS) (102 GROATS - SEDIMENTATION (SD)
  1. 201 Presence Rht1 gene (201 PRESENCE RHT1 GENE )
  2. 202 Presence Rht2 gene (202 PRESENCE RHT2 GENE )
  1. 204 Marker_Glu_A1 (204 Marker_Glu_A1) Storage proteins
  2. 205 Marker_Glu_A3 (205 Marker_Glu_A3) Storage proteins
  3. 206 Marker_Glu_B1 (206 Marker_Glu_B1) Storage proteins
  4. 207 Marker_Glu_B3 (207 Marker_Glu_B3) Storage proteins
  5. 208 Marker_Glu_D1 (208 Marker_Glu_D1) Storage proteins
  6. 209 Marker_Glu_D3 (209 Marker_Glu_D3) Storage proteins
  1. 001 Plant - tuft shape (at tillering) (001 PLANT - TUFT SHAPE (AT TIL)
  2. 002 Plant - root system - size (002 PLANT - ROOT SYSTEM - SIZE)
  3. 003 Plant - height (003 PLANT - HEIGHT )
  4. 004 Stem - length of the upper internode (004 STEM - LENGTH OF THE UPPER)
  5. 005 Stem - thickness (005 STEM - THICKNESS )
  6. 006 Stem - fullness (006 STEM - FULLNESS )
  7. 007 Stem - waxy bloom (at milk - ripeness) (007 STEM - WAXY BLOOM (AT MILK)
  8. 008 Stem - colour of the upper internode (at the heading) (008 STEM - COLOUR OF THE UPPER)
  9. 009 Leaf - flag - position (at the beginning of heading) (009 LEAF - FLAG - POSITION (AT)
  10. 010 Leaf - flag -length (010 LEAF - FLAG -LENGTH )
  11. 011 Leaf - flag - width (011 LEAF - FLAG - WIDTH )
  12. 012 Leaf second upper - length (012 LEAF SECOND UPPER - LENGTH)
  13. 013 Leaf second upper - width (013 LEAF SECOND UPPER - WIDTH )
  14. 014 Leaf - stand - area index (LAI) (014 LEAF - STAND - AREA INDEX )
  15. 015 Leaf - waxy bloom (015 LEAF - WAXY BLOOM )
  16. 016 Leaf - ligule presence (016 LEAF - LIGULE PRESENCE )
  17. 017 Leaf - length of auricles (017 LEAF - LENGTH OF AURICLES )
  18. 018 Spike - colour after heading (018 SPIKE - COLOUR AFTER HEADI)
  19. 019 Spike - waxy bloom (019 SPIKE - WAXY BLOOM )
  20. 020 Spike - position (at full ripeness) (020 SPIKE - POSITION (AT FULL )
  21. 021 Spike - branchiness (021 SPIKE - BRANCHINESS )
  22. 022 Spike - branchiness type (022 SPIKE - BRANCHINESS TYPE )
  23. 023 Spike - shape (023 SPIKE - SHAPE )
  24. 024 Spike - length (024 SPIKE - LENGTH )
  25. 025 Spike - density (no. of spikelets/10 cm) (025 SPIKE - DENSITY (NO. OF SP)
  26. 026 Spike - awnedness (026 SPIKE - AWNEDNESS )
  27. 027 Spike - awns type (027 SPIKE - AWNS TYPE )
  28. 028 Spike - colour of the awns (028 SPIKE - COLOUR OF THE AWNS)
  29. 029 Spike - thrashing (029 SPIKE - THRASHING )
  30. 030 Spike - brittleness of rachis (030 SPIKE - BRITTLENESS OF RAC)
  31. 031 Glume - shape (031 GLUME - SHAPE )
  32. 032 Glume - shoulder shape (032 GLUME - SHOULDER SHAPE )
  33. 033 Glume - beak tip (033 GLUME - BEAK TIP )
  34. 034 Glume - texture (034 GLUME - TEXTURE )
  35. 035 Glume - colour (035 GLUME - COLOUR )
  36. 036 Glume - indumentum (hairiness) (036 GLUME - INDUMENTUM (HAIRIN)
  37. 037 Lemma - degree of tightness (037 LEMMA - DEGREE OF TIGHTNES)
  38. 038 Caryopsis - shape (038 CARYOPSIS - SHAPE )
  39. 039 Caryopsis - surface (039 CARYOPSIS - SURFACE )
  40. 040 Caryopsis - colour (040 CARYOPSIS - COLOUR )
  41. 041 Caryopsis - sulcus shape (041 CARYOPSIS - SULCUS SHAPE )
  42. 042 Proportion of the naked grain in spikelet (valid for hulled species) (042 PROPORTION OF THE NAKED GR)
  43. 043 Share of glumes (%) evaluated after harvest (043 SHARE OF GLUMES (%)) 043 Share of glumes (%) evaluated after harvest
  44. 045 Growth - initial speed (045 GROWTH - INITIAL SPEED )
  45. 055 Post harvest ripening - length (055 POST HARVEST RIPENING - LE)
  46. 074 Stand - number of plants (074 STAND - NUMBER OF PLANTS )
  47. 075 Stand - number of spikes (075 STAND - NUMBER OF SPIKES )
  48. 086 Spike - number of grains (086 SPIKE - NUMBER OF GRAINS )
  49. 087 Spike - number of spikelets (087 SPIKE - NUMBER OF SPIKELET)
  50. 088 Spikelet - number of seeds (088 SPIKELET - NUMBER OF SEEDS)
  51. 094 Grain - texture (vitreousness) (094 GRAIN - TEXTURE (VITREOUSN)
Category: OTHER
  1. 044 Vegetation - character (044 VEGETATION - CHARACTER )
  1. 046a Vegetation period - start of ratings to heading 50 % (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - date of emergence; related to control) (046A VEGETATION PERIOD -) 046a Vegetation period - start of ratings to heading 50 % (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - date of emergence; related to control)
  2. 046b Vegetation period - start of ratings to flowering 50 % (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - date of emergence; related to control) (046B VEGETATION PERIOD -) 046b Vegetation period - start of ratings to flowering 50 % (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - date of emergence; related to control)
  3. 046c Vegetation period - heading to ripening (related to control) (046C VEGETATION PERIOD -) 046c Vegetation period - heading to ripening (related to control)
  4. 046d Vegetation period - flowering to ripening (related to control) (046D VEGETATION PERIOD -) 046d Vegetation period - flowering to ripening (related to control)
  5. 046e Vegetation period - start of ratings to ripening (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - date of emergence; related to control) (046E VEGETATION PERIOD -) 046e Vegetation period - start of ratings to ripening (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - date of emergence; related to control)
  1. 056 Reaction sensitivity to gibberellin (gibberellic acid GA3) (056 REACTION SENSITIVITY TO GI) application of gibberellic acid solution on young plant
  1. 076 Stand - number of grains (076 STAND - NUMBER OF GRAINS )
  2. 077 Stand - grain yield(repeated evaluation;to the standard cv.) (077 STAND - GRAIN YIELD(REPEAT)
  3. 078 Stand - grain yield preliminary(not repeated evaluation;to the standard cv.) (078 STAND - GRAIN YIELD PRELIM)
  4. 079 Stand - grain yield stability (079 STAND - GRAIN YIELD STABIL)
  5. 080 Stand - 1000 grain mass (080 STAND - 1000 GRAIN MASS )
  6. 081 Stand - green biomass yield (to the standard cv.) (081 STAND - GREEN BIOMASS YIEL)
  7. 082 Stand - harvest index (082 STAND - HARVEST INDEX )
  8. 083 Plant - grain mass (to the standard cv.) (083 PLANT - GRAIN MASS (TO THE)
  9. 084 Plant - number of productive tillers (084 PLANT - NUMBER OF PRODUCTI)
  10. 085 Spike - grain mass (085 SPIKE - GRAIN MASS )
Category: QUALITY
  1. 091 Particle size index for wheat hardness (PSI %) (091 PARTICLE SIZE INDEX FOR) 091 Particle size index for wheat hardness (PSI %)
  2. 097 Flour - wet gluten content (097 FLOUR - WET GLUTEN CONTENT)
  3. 098 Gluten swelling (Berliner method) (098 GLUTEN SWELLING (BERLINER )
  4. 099 Flour - baking quality (Prugar method) (099 FLOUR - BAKING QUALITY (PR)
  5. 101 Flour - sedimentation test (Zeleny method) (101 FLOUR - SEDIMENTATION TEST)
  6. 103 Flour - valorimetric number (farinograph) (103 FLOUR - VALORIMETRIC NUMBE)
  7. 104 Gluten index - valid for T. aestivum (104 GLUTEN INDEX - VALID FOR T)