Rheum L. accessions
Code: high 251- 350 (mg.kg-1c.h./FW)

Selected item(s) below:

Some descriptor observations are linked to specific inventory lots within an accession. Click on the accession link for those listed as "Not Available" to see availability of other lots within an accession. Note that specific genotypes might be inventory lot specific. For clonal material, male and female plants may be represented by different inventory lots within an accession.

06330642H7500005 'The Sutton'Rheum undulatum L. United Kingdom742H7500005 **
16333142H7500031 'Malachit'Rheum undulatum L. Russian Federation742H7500031 **
26334342H7500043 Rheum undulatum L.Rheum undulatum L. Czech Republic742H7500043 **
37506442H7500050 27Rheum undulatum L. Czech RepublicOut of Season742H7500050 20
*. This accession is available for ordering from another inventory lot. Click on the accession link to see availability of other inventory lots.